mission statement


Our mission is to inform, educate and unite our homeowners living in all 17 of Oceanside’s manufactured home parks. OMHA, a 501-C4 non-profit, supports candidates running for office by volunteering and contributing to elections, for those who support Oceanside’s 16B Rent Control Ordinance. Our board interacts with our Mayor, Council, Housing Director and Commissioners on important issues, rights, and decisions that affect all our homeowner’s. Improving the city’s mandates and holding park owners accountable in compliance with the city’s ordinance’s and the MRL (State of California’s Mobilehome Residency Laws) are OMHA’s core priorities.

Resident Stories

“Laguna Vista Mobile Home Park — Several years ago, I attended a general meeting of the OMHA board being held in my park. As I attended more meetings, I discovered a group of people with a wealth of information regarding the City of Oceanside and the laws that govern Rent Control for the Mobile Home Community. Along with this knowledge came a passion to keep homeowners informed and aware of their rights and changes taking place that could affect their communities. Currently, I am the Co-Chair of OMHA and the Park Representative for Laguna Vista Estates. I am encouraged by the work OMHA does and consider it a privilege to serve on the Board!”

— Penny Russell

DISCLAIMER: While every care has been exercised in compiling and publishing the data contained in these pages, OMHA and volunteers accept no responsibility for errors or omissions of the information.