Resident Stories

“Laguna Vista Mobile Home Park — Several years ago, I attended a general meeting of the OMHA board being held in my park. As I attended more meetings, I discovered a group of people with a wealth of information regarding the City of Oceanside and the laws that govern Rent Control for the Mobile Home Community. Along with this knowledge came a passion to keep homeowners informed and aware of their rights and changes taking place that could affect their communities. Currently, I am the Vice President of OMHA and the Park Representative for Laguna Vista Estates. I am encouraged by the work OMHA does and consider it a privilege to serve on the Board!”
— Penny Russell

“My husband and I moved to Oceanside in May 2017. We received a newsletter explaining the organization and what it stood for, which impressed us and decided to join. It was also an election year for the position of Secretary on the Board. I decided to apply because I thought it would be a good chance to stay on top of what is going on around Oceanside and the importance of keeping rent-control. This is a great organization and very important to keeping our way of life.”
— Vikki Schaffner